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Transmission of Knowledge by Blue Eagle

How to reconcile traditional methods with modernity? How to make accessible an oral teaching given by the elders during daily activities in community? How to remain faithful to ancestral traditions and transmit them to a generation without borders?

These are some of the challenges of this website.

The Teaching Framework

What Blue Eagle creates

The Circle is the perfect shape found in nature. Have you ever seen a square tree, a square planet …? Everything is curved and circle in nature, trunks, leaves, our organs, plants etc. only some minerals have an angular geometric structure.
In the circle, all are equal. No one is above the others.

The videos available on the website are taken in such a way that the viewer is part of the circle. He is not just an observer, he is also an actor as the person being taught.
You will find little written material, although we have made an effort to make more information available by text, most of what is conveyed here is orally as it traditionally is.

It is said that one does not begin to master a practice until one has done it 108 times.

Seeing, reviewing, doing, redoing, practicing, practicing is therefore a key to the Blue Eagle transmission. With each viewing, details will appear to you, related understandings will be revealed. This is why Eagle Blue does not explain everything, your responsibility is also to go and get the information by yourself or to ‘feel’ it.

And that is why, too, he is wont to remind us to “believe nothing we hear or see without having been checked deep within ourselves, if it is true for us, and if it suits us in our journey, without judgment or guilt”.

What we create

If you are serious about your journey you will prepare before each video:

  • Physical space: Get comfortable in a place where you won’t be disturbed. Burn some sage or other incense to create a space that is purified of anything that might disturb you ( see explanation on Introduction to Fumigation).
  • Space time: make sure you have enough time to listen to the videos in calm and serenity.
  • Closing: after opening a learning time, it is good to close it to move on to another activity without disruption.

These concepts will be discussed in more detail in the “tools” section of the member area.

Then you will experience through practice what is discussed in the videos.

It is good to review some videos after practicing several times. The understanding of the concepts, gestures and intentions evolves with repetition.


  1. Our Earth is weakening and even dying in some places. This responsibility of preservation is common to all, regardless of our origins. It is urgent to open the consciousnesses, the memories, the collective unconscious of all “races: red, white, yellow, black and rainbow”. This is the first objective of Blue Eagle’s interventions. What could be more appropriate than to do so by talking about the traditions of the people who are the guardians of the preservation of Mother Earth!”
  2. Too many rituals, ceremonies, practices, knowledge were lost during the semi-genocide experienced by all the First Nations of North America. Blue Eagle went in search of ancestral knowledge with several wise men of several Nations and works so that this knowledge does not die out.

We talk about training to adapt to the modern world but it is rather an opening of what is shamanism through the Amerindian traditions of yesteryear.
Through the notions discussed, Aigle Bleu sensitizes and leads the participants to communicate with the spirits of plants, animals, ancestors but also the 5 elements and crystals: with the whole of creation.

By dancing, we enter into resonance with our environment. By becoming aware of the circle of all our relationships, we learn to know ourselves better, to respect ourselves better and thus to respect others.

The purpose of this website is to teach you the basics, the foundations, that will propel you on your own red path, the one that leads to your ‘Orenda’. You will probably not have “The revelation of your life will certainly not come at the first video. However, the practices will make you stronger in body and mind, strengthen your connection with Mother Earth allowing you to ascend even higher and perhaps open up abilities you never knew you had.


  • It is important to understand that everything taught here is for personal practice. One does not become a healer or shaman through a website, and it would not be serious to make you believe that. The tools and understandings taught help one find their life path, learn time-tested universal spiritual practices that develop and refine one’s being, connect with our Let’s Create the World community and gain keys to living in harmony with one’s environment.
  • After an intensive 4-year training called, Let’s Create the World Blue Eagle has awarded about 20 shamanic practitioner certifications. These students continue his work (Certified Shamanic Practitioner – CCP). This is a recognition of the seriousness and commitment
  • of the student in their practices. This recognition only commits Blue Eagle and the community of students that we train.
  • Teaching implies a responsibility to students and a respect for the ancestors and teachers who made it possible for knowledge to be transmitted. It’s not as if the subject matter transmitted here is mathematics or literature. Doing the gestures and reciting the rituals without understanding their breadth and depth is ape, not teaching.
  • If you would like to teach a knowledge or practice of your own, contact us. Under the supervision of Blue Eagle, you will be assigned a CCP and evaluated for possible teaching permission.